Friday, March 22nd

Today was the last day of the first week of fashion a-term! I can’t believe a whole week has gone by, but looking back we’ve accomplished so much! Today we finished cutting up our fabrics to match our patterns. This was all finished before lunch. Then as soon as everyone was finished with their patterns and fabric cutting we got straight to sewing. At first it was nerve racking and scary, but after a couple of tries it got a lot easier. We started with the easy things like the seams and joining two pieces together. As we went along the sewing got a little harder. Sewing and working with a sewing machine can be complicated sometimes, but it’s important to know that you’re always in control. Plus, the final result of seeing your designs come to life is worth the struggle!! I’m really grateful we’re getting so much help from such experts, it’s made everything so much easier! Looking forward to next week and our fashion show!
today is freaky-fun-footwear-Friday!


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